Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Bowls 2 & 3

Bowls, side view
Okay, almost done with my first ceramics class. Here are the second and third bowl (and three more pieces need firing, glazing, or picking up). I like the differing inside and outside color effect; I'd definitely like to try that again. As for the earthy-tan glaze which has an incredibly long name, way too 70's on its own; definitely needs layering. And a better bowl shape/more texture.

Life drawing and Egon Schiele

This is from Monday, my second week going to a life drawing open studio. I'm trying to keep things as simple (unfussy) as possible, to practice being a little looser and to really concentrate on lines and lights/darks. I used vine charcoal for the first time this week and find it helpful for staying loose.

Then yesterday I started looking through Egon Schiele: Life and Work, which is due back to the library today. Wow. His work is amazing; so loose and captivating and jolie-laide (I don't know if you can apply "pretty/ugly" to paintings, but it seems appropriate for his work...though sometimes it's just straight ugly yet still mesmerizing). Think I'll have to take a black crayon and some watercolors to studio next week and see what happens.