I am now in love with liquid watercolor. I had one bottle that I never really used; but getting to play with the whole set of colors suddenly opens up possibilities. I will be making a Jerry's trip this week.

The effect when you drop the color onto wet watercolor paper is pretty divine. On the right, some liquid watercolor had dried on Yupo watercolor paper (propylene) and reminded me of Fiver's visions in Watership Down (saw the movie at a young age, and it stuck with me).

Another artist brought in tools to do impressing on paper, which adds line and texture under the graphite or colored pencil that follows. I had some fun making wave patterns. The alligator is done in watercolor pencil.

Trying out some liquid frisket to create texture on an orange. And after using a piece of the Yupo paper as a palette for the liquid graphite I was playing with, the resulting spot reminded me of a gorilla head.

Thanks to Marsha for organizing us and to Luz Marie for being such a wonderful host (with a totally fun trampoline)! And thanks to the other illustrators for bringing and sharing your tools of the trade.