This Studio Friday's topic is about fear. Some days nothing is scarier to me as an artist than a blank spread of pages in a moleskine bound notebook or a full 30"X 22" page of 300lb watercolor paper. There's something about putting down the first line or first splash of color that can just stop me cold if I let it, especially when it's in a notebook that I can't tear from or on a large scale page...something about failing in noticeable way. Which is why it's best to dive right in and skip that first line and start on the second. I've started sketching in ink with little to no pencil beforehand and being okay with the looser style and "happy accidents."
OMG! ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't even begin to count the number of UNTOUCHED journals I have here for that VERY SAME REASON! *sigh*
IS there any hope for us???
~ Gabi
When I was designing websites, getting started was the hardest part. I'd always look at the blank page and couldn't ever figure out where to go or what to do. Crippling!
This is so true! starting is always the hardest bit...
Ouissi x
Because I paint expressive a lot of times this is not a fear for me, but I can imagine how hard it could be sitting in front of a white page and not clue how to start.
wow. so familiar. I totally relate to the feeling of wanting to tear the page out if it's not "good enough." I visited your website and particularly love your bird and fox illustrations/watercolors. very loose and fluid with wonderful character.
I have not experienced that fear of the blank page or canvas, but I know it is common. Your way of getting around it is very clever! I like that, if the first line scares you just start on the second.
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