Every year when the Texas heat kicks in for several months straight, I start complaining. And vowing to move some place with a less brutal summer (or at least one that cools down at night). But then along comes a crisp autumn, mild winter, and lovely wildflower-filled spring, and I remember why Austin is such a great place to live. This summer I've decided to distract myself from some of the heat & humidity fueled complaining and channel that energy into appreciating what is wonderful about summer, illustration-style.
The tomato is from Saturday's visit to the farmers' market (Two Happy Children farm stand; the name totally drew me in), and it is the best one I've had all year, especially served in Caprese salad with some basil from the garden. The red striped ribbon snake startled me trying to cross the path at the dog park yesterday (I followed it trying to remember the "red and black, friend of jack" rhyme).
Lovely illustrations Amy!
I like these little slices of summer.
I like these little slices of summer.
Thanks, guys!
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